Track-1 : Clinical Cardiology
Clinical cardiology is a part of the remedial distinguishing strength of cardiology and is stressed over the examination and treatment of the rhythm of the heart.The field includes medical diagnosis and treatment of vascular heart disease, heart failure, congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, and electrophysiology. In clinical cardiology, research into autonomic testing is presently oriented basically toward the appraisal of increased chance of mortality and of arrhythmic complications
Track-2 : Hypertension and Stroke
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is considered as the single most important risk factor for stroke. The hypertension places strain on all the blood vessels making them weak and predisposes them to block. This will cause an ischemic stroke and hypertension is the foremost vital cause of this sort of stroke.
Track-3 : Heart Arrhythmia and Heart Failure
Heart rhythm problems (heart arrhythmias) are a condition in which the heart beats irregularly (too fast or too slow) when the electrical impulses that coordinates the heartbeat fails. Heart failure is a condition in which heart can't pump enough blood to meet the body’s metabolic needs. The common causes of HF include myocardial infarction, hypertension, valvular heart disease, and cardiomyopathy.
Track-4 : Pediatric and Geriatric Cardiology
Pediatric Cardiology is a branch for diagnosing all aspects of congenital heart defects in infants, and performing diagnostic procedures such as cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology and echocardiograms studies, and for continual management of the onset of heart disease in infants, children and adolescents.
Geriatric cardiology is a relatively new field aimed at adapting cardiovascular care to an aging population, by incorporating principles of geriatric medicine into the routine care of older adults with cardiovascular disease. The tasks of a “Geriatric Cardiologist” may include traditional evidence-based CV management plus comprehensive geriatric assessment, medication reduction, team-based coordination of care, and explicit incorporation of patient goals into management.
Track-5 : Obesity, Diabetes and Heart
Excess weight, particularly central or abdominal fatness, considerably will increase the danger for cardiopathy. But it harms more than just the heart diagnosis and blood vessel system. Obesity is intimately entwined with different health conditions that underlie cardiovascular disease including diabetes or high blood pressure. Having diabetes or pre-diabetes puts one at increased risk for heart disease and stroke
Track-6 : Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease
It is a condition where the arteries become hardened, narrowed due to buildup of plaque around the artery wall and disrupts the blood flow throughout the body. It is also known as arteriosclerotic vascular disease. Atherosclerosis begins when the endothelium gets damaged, allowing the bad cholesterol to build up in the artery wall. This makes blood clots more likely and can block the artery, leading to life-threatening complications, such as coronary artery diseases, stroke and heart attack.
Track-7 : Cardiac and Cardiovascular Heart Diseases
Diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels are cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions involving the blocked, narrowed blood vessels that lead to a heart attack, stroke & chest pain (angina). Other heart conditions, such as those that influence your heart's muscle too are considered as the heart diseases. Globally more people pass on every year from CVDs than from any other cause.
Track-8 : Women and Heart Disease
Cardiovascular diseases continue to be the leading cause of death among women, 1 of every 3 deaths every year, around 1 female every passing minute. Women are more prone to heart attack when compared to men & more likely to have symptoms unrelated to chest pain, such as: Shortness of breath, Pain in arms, Nausea & vomiting, Sweating, Unusal fatigue, Neck, jaw, upper back, shoulder & abdominal discomfort. Eating a heart-sound diet, working out, and a mindful of awareness can protect them from heart disease
Track-9 : Structural and Interventional Cardiology
Interventional cardiology deals with the treatment of heart diseases by using catheters. This field includes the diagnosis and treatment of vascular disease, acquired structural heart disease and coronary artery disease.
Track-10 : Cardiac Regeneration and Stem Cells
Heart regeneration has been strongly examined, and seriously disputable, for more than 150 years now. The heart is one of the minimum regenerative organs in the body, so if there is a regenerative reaction, it differs little with that seen in numerous other different tissues.
Cardiovascular recovery is an expansive effort that expects to repair irreversibly harmed heart tissue with science and technology, which includes mainly use of free-cell and stem cell therapy. Reparative devices have been designed to re-establish damaged and affected heart tissue and utilizing the body's regular capacity to recover.In future, myocardial regeneration, transplantation of stem or progenitor cells, stimulation of endogenous cardiac repair by pharmacological agents and tissue engineering will play a major role in cardiac regeneration.
Track-11 : Cardiac Surgery and Cardiac Nursing
Cardiac surgery, also called heart surgery which involves surgical operations performed on the heart or the heart muscle, valves, arteries to correct life-threatening conditions. It can be either minimally invasive surgery or open-heart surgery. The purpose of cardiac surgery is to improve the quality of life of the patient and to extend the patient's lifespan.
Cardiac nursing could be a unit of study designed to explore problems specific to nursing. They monitor and treat acutely unwell patients plagued by numerous internal organ diseases and disorders like the middle for sickness management, cardiovascular disease is that the leading explanation for death globally.
Track-12 : Congenital Heart Disease and Anesthesia
Patients with congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are at high chance of developing complications during anaesthesia. CHD is a structural and functional heart disease, present at birth. Frequency of CHD is around 8–10/1000 live births worldwide and varies with modern diagnostics. Common CHDs were VSD, atrial septal defect and tetralogy of Fallot in the age group of 0–5 years. Extra cardiac anomalies requiring surgery within the first year of life are present in 30% of patients. Children with CHD undergoing non cardiac surgery are at increased risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality compared with other children
Track-13 : Current Research in Cardiology
Our current research focuses around the early detection of CHD in order to stop or reverse the progress of the disease. The on-going research incorporates the use of heart scanning in the early diagnosis of heart disease in diabetics, Drug improvement and evaluation of medicines used in heart disease, Development of Nuclear Cardiology techniques for the recognition of coronary heart illness, Identification of novel biological markers to predict the presence of heart disease, and Analysis of socio-economic differences in heart disease risk.
Cardiology Conferences focuses on the present analysis in medicine wherever the new innovative ways that square measure rising within the field of medicine.